this is sick!
this is sick!
Thanks man!
Nice usage of Asian Harp from Nexus2 :)
It gives me such happiness to know people still listen to this song from so many years after release. :)
Can I use this in GD for my own level too :3
Of course, that's the point of it, for GD users! Send me the ID when you finish ;)
xD cool
I've seen you comment on a few of my friends videos and only just realised you made this song. It's a great song and It's also got a comedic effect to it, It's a really really good song :D
Hey thanks so much Chillius!
Who are your friends that I might know? :D
pretty good :D
Thank you
That is cool :D
Yeaha thanks! ♥
Potentially my favourite song of yours, the drop sounds intense...
sequel pls :3
Thank you :) Maybe we will ;D
its loud and obnoxious but youre getting there
Yeah I made this more of a demonstration of what I could do with Massive combined with Harmor, more than an actual song... I actually still spent about an hour of the mastering, but when you use tube distortion, phase modulation and band pass and rejects it becomes pretty hard to master... =/ I meant to follow this up with a full length, better mastered piece using this synth, but I swear I'm doing the same thing I did before and it doesn't sound anywhere near as nice... I'm definitely forgetting something important, but I can't remember what. I'm pretty sure I used dirty needle at -36 semitones, phase modulation, tube distortion and band pass and rejects, but the result is similar, yet much less high-quality...
look i own way too much stuff to list it here
feel free to use my stuff in videos and small projects, just give credit (ask for bigger projects!)
Joined on 11/20/14